Velvet and Paisley

Movies and Halloween
2001-11-06 @ 12:08 p.m.

Well I'm back. Sorry to anyone who reads my diary that my posts are so sporadic. I start things with good intentions, but usually fall short of meeting my goals. I have a bib that I started cross-stitching before Velvet was born and its still not done. I digress.

I am moving with my grandparents to an itty bitty house because our landlord is trying to sell out house. Makes me sad. The new house has no yard. I mean no yard. It is set in the middle and behind two other houses. Where the front yard would be is completely gravel and where the back yard is there is the skanky creek.

I still have no job, but I am enjoying my time off. I took Velvet trick or treating. She was Jesse from Toy Story 2 and I was a disco queen (I wore my own clothes).

On Sunday, Aaron took Velvet and I to Lewiston. We got some family pictures taken and some Halloween pictures of Velvet. Aaron also bought me one of those frames for your proofs sheet. It was special. The we went to Fazzari's and got the Shabam pizza. This is in no way similar to that digusting pizza with sauerkraut on it. It does have a mustard sauce though.

The highlight of the day was watching Monsters Inc. Very cute movie. Velvet was good. I recommend it.

I've seen a few other good movies lately. This includes: Joyride- insane trucker (like those big trucks sre not scary enough anyways), Don't Say a Word- kidnapping and murder, The Others- ghosts with beautiful scenery, Thriteen Ghosts- ghosts plus Matthew Lillard (need I say more).

I think thats it for this post. I have some ideas for several new posts, but I've got to go to school sometime. I plan to make my own version of E Entertainments show Rank. I have already compiled my list of the 25 sexiest men in showbiz and my list of the thirteen really scary movies (no Poltergeist on my list).