Velvet and Paisley

Where's my Coca-Cola?
2001-04-17 @ 9:42 a.m.

I woke up too early this morning considering all the things I have to get done today.

After dropping Velvet off at daycare, I have Anatomy and Physiology from 1:30 till 2:20. Then it's off to Aaron's counselors so that he can legally come over and see my daughter. Hollie's a bitch. If she had not accused him in the first place we would not have these problems. I hate girls who falsely accuse men of rape. Enough said.

After that meeting I have to be back at the college by at least four so I can take the algebra portion of the ASSET test and hopefully place out of Math 65.

After that's done, I'll go to General Nutrition from 5:00 to 7:30. Then make the thirty mile drive back to my house from school.

Fun Fun. Oh, I watched The Virgin Suicides for the fourth time yesterday. That has got to be my favorite current movie.

Well that's it for my exciting life. Must go play with my daughter now.