Velvet and Paisley

Freach Toast & Sandcastles
2001-10-19 @ 10:27 a.m.

Is it? My good it is! It's an update!

So life is good. Aaron came over this morning before he had to leave for school and made french toast for Velvet and I. Awww. That's the kind of guy he is. That's why I love him (even if he is never on time).

Velvet is my funny wunny. We watched Cats & Dogs yesterday. Velvet didn't really watch it because she was too busy trying to get Aaron to put her in time out. How does 1-2-3 Magic work if your child wants to go to time out all the time? Anyways. When the movie was over, Velvet started crying because the "mean kitty movie" was not on.

Every night when I give Velvet a bath we make a "sandcastle" in her hair. Which is really just me putting shampoo in her hair and making it stick straight up. She then gets out of the tub and runs over to the mirror the admire herself. That's what she does. Yep.

I am tired. I am through with my A&P midterms at least. Now all I have is a Intermediate Algebra midterm on Monday and then I will be though with major tests until the end of November. Woohoo.

NaNaNaNa Hey Hey Goodbye.