Velvet and Paisley

Growing pains (not Growing Pains)
2001-10-22 @ 11:15 a.m.

I feel sick. Yesterday when I woke up all the bones in my legs hurt. Kind of like growing pains, but since I'm 20 I doubt that's what it was.

My grandma has stage four breast cancer. It has spread outside of her breasts to other organs as of yet unknown to her medical community. She'll be back on Tuesday (tommorrow). If she dies, Velvet will be extremely upset. I don't know how I would help her cope. I mean I know grandparents die, but my grandmother is only 65. The average woman lives to the age of 72.

I have to take a math test today and I am horrid at math plus I just do not like it. I see no need for it in most professions and especially not in midwifery.

Velvet sleeps with me. She is not yet potty learning (although she does wear pull ups). She can say hippopatumus (spelling). Her favorite foods include: sliders, pizza, peanut butter sandwiches, pop pop popcorn, bananas, and apples. She knows there is a brain in her head and accuses me of taking it out, if I kiss her forhead. She cannot wait to go to school. She likes getting shots. She watches old school cartoons like Popples, Carebears, She-Ra, and teh Charlie Brown movies. She often says, "I sick momma, I need some Coke" (due to the fact that when I had mono this summer I requested my grandparents to get me Sprite or 7up because I was sick). That's a little bit of who my daughter is.