Velvet and Paisley

2002-05-23 @ 10:00 a.m.

Blech. I had to get sick too. Since about 5:00pm Tuesday night everything I have ingested has been thrown up. I feel a little better this morning though.

Velvet is still sick too. I hate it when we are both sick. I want to be there for her, but I can barely drag myself out of bed.

I really need some water. We are all out of bottled water and the water from tap here is just horrid. I think I should invest in a Brita Water Filter. Yes, I do.

I have to go to a cadaver lab today for A&P. Aaron tried to talk me out of it. He said something along the lines that a cadaver and nausea will not go well together. He's probably right, but I really cannot afford to miss class, since I have to go to Spokane for jury duty on Tuesday. I'm still hoping that trial gets cancelled.

I'm probably going to watch Out Cold and Vanialla Sky tonight. We rented them yesterday, but I was too sick to stay awake after Aaron got off work. Having a bartender for a fiance sucks.

That's all folks.