Velvet and Paisley

Vacation & Impetigo
2002-09-08 @ 12:54 p.m.

Feels strange to be writing again. Did anyone miss me?

We had a great vacation in Seattle. As soon as I renew my Gold Membership I will post some pictures.

Velvet has had spots on her face since Thursday and we had no idea what they were. They did not itch so I figured it was not Varicella. Then yesterday when she woke up they had spread to her neck so we took her to Express Care.

My poor baby has Impetigo. I feel so bad. I don't know how she got it. Plus if I had taken her in earlier all she would need is cream on her face, but now she has to take antibiotics. I just can't believe my poor baby has a staph infection on her skin.

Guess that is all for now. You would think I would have more to say after not updating for so long. Oh well.