Velvet and Paisley

2003-08-16 @ 12:09 p.m.

I am so tired. I have been tired for the last three days. Paisley has started nursing every two hours at night again. She also has her first cold, which is making her a little cranky.

Then there is Velvet. She has been waking up in the middle of the night screaming for the last week and a half. We have come to learn it is because she has to go to the bathroom. So we take her in the bathroom and she continues to scream. She runs around, bangs into the walls/door, and tells Aaron he is a "mean boy" even though he has much more patience with her than I do at 3am. We have to physically sit her down on the toliet. It usually takes thirty minutes to get her to use the toilet and then settled back in bed. I have no idea why this is happening. No schedule change or change in liquid intake.

Today Paisley is wearing her first 3-6mo outfit. My little girl is growing so fast. It is hard to believe she will be 10 weeks old tomorrow. It is all so amazing and yet is also saddens me. I am so thankful for the summer I have had to spend with her and I am dreading my return to school in September. For now I am treasuring every waking minute I spend with her.