Velvet and Paisley

Ramble, Ramble
2003-09-05 @ 12:46 p.m.

So tommorrow turned into four days from now and I don't have any pictures to share anyways. Velvet has hidden my card reader from me. Oops. Hopefully I find it soon and can share the pictures I have taken recently.

Yesterday, we went shopping and bought Identity. I am loving me some John Cusack. Oh yes, I am.

We also bought this spooky Halloween mask for Velvet and she is having a great time running around scaring everyone. Then pulling it off and saying, "It's just me, Velvet".

Yesterday when I was getting dressed, Velvet told me something quite interesting:

"You are hot mom. I am going to marry you and dad can be the flower girl. Hehe. But he is not a girl. He's a boy. But he has to be the flower girl. Hehe."

Paisley rolled over three times from her back to stomach on Wednesday. She is just getting so big. I can't believe that she is the same 6lb baby we brought home from the hospital.

Woohoo only 10 more days till my 22nd birthday. I am hoping for a nice dinner, perhaps at Red Lobster.

Well I am off to interrogate Velvet about the location of my card reader. Wish me luck.