Velvet and Paisley

Just Rambling
2003-09-06 @ 10:56 p.m.

Today we went to see Freddy vs. Jason. It was an utter disappointment. That is saying a lot coming from me. I am a huge fan of horror flicks. I mean when I was three, maybe four, my favorite movie was either Silver Bullet or Nightmare on Elm Street. Paisley went with us again. We got some stares, but I really don't care. She was in her sling sleeping or nursing the whole time. It is not like she was watching the movie or anything. For now my baby goes everywhere with me.

That will all change once I go back to school though. My school has a strict "No Children on Campus" policy. I really wish I could sit in the back of the room with Paisley in her sling, but that is not to be. The thought is getting more depressing as the day nears. I don't know how I am going to be able to leave Paisley with a babysitter. My first week back to school is going to be very hard on the girls and me.

Tomorrow, we are going shopping. At a mall of all places. Woohoo. I will be going to Old Navy. There clothes are durable and cheap and I am all about cheapness.

I better get to bed though because it is an hour and a half drive to Kennewick, where the mall is.